January 13th-19th
Weekly Horoscopes

 ARIES (March 21-April 19)
A full moon conjunct Mars and opposing Pluto is spicy to say the least. And on a Monday morning. Do your best not to allow frustration to get the better of you. Whatever is refusing to budge or moving in the wrong direction will sort itself out. It doesn’t need you to send hurtling over the cliff! Everybody is under the canopy of these volatile influences, so don’t be too hard on people who appear to be blocking your way. There could be hidden factors influencing a situation and it may be that were an event to have gone forward as planned or some other project continue in its present shape, it would have been detrimental to you.
Suffer frustration!

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
This could be the point at which you bin one or more of your New Year resolutions. It may seem as if people are deliberately making life extra difficult or that despite all your efforts a situation is not coming together. A combination of Monday’s full moon, Pluto and a Venus-Saturn conjunction is enough to daunt the most determined Bull, but things will change. Indeed, what does come through on these influences will stand the test of time. Maybe some of those resolutions were a tad unrealistic, so trim the list and focus on those that are really worthy of your efforts.
Rolling with the punches.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
There are going to be a lot of grumpy people to deal with so gird up your lions and don’t fall at the first fence. Life may look bleak under these stars, but like anything of a Saturnian nature, once you start working on those things that aren’t working life will start to feel lighter and brighter. It may be apparent that a situation cannot continue in its present form and you must decide whether to pour more energy, time and money into it or cut your losses. Whatever you decide, don’t allow your emotions to influence your decision. Facts talk. Figures speak.
Let the facts speak.

CANCER (June 21- July 22)
On Monday, the only full moon in Cancer this year takes place and it has a reference to events on and around the 5 July last year. All full moons come with the theme of closure and completion, and this is no exception. It is time to draw a line under the past. In many cases, this advice applies to a relationship. Either, the past needs to be put away in order for the relationship to thrive and prosper, or the relationship itself has reached the end of its timeline. And there could be other situations that require putting out of their misery or a radical overhaul. As always though, remember that you have free-will. It’s your choice.
You have a choice.

LEO (July 23-August 23)
As each day goes by, the Sun draws ever closer to Pluto, encouraging you to be the agent of change, first and foremost for yourself. You may well have a sense that a situation is not going to go your way, but you are hoping against hope that it will. Even though this might be the case, it won’t harm to put together a back-up plan. A relationship could be in the mix, and if you are afraid to bring up an important issue, that speaks volumes about the state of the relationship. Love and fear do not go together. You know your worth. Feel empowered.
Face the music.

VIRGO (Aug 24-Sept22)
This may well be D-day. Decision day. Whether you have to make up your mind about what you are going to do or you are waiting on an answer from someone else, you can only benefit from looking at a situation in its stark reality – no maybes and mights. And although you may want to know what the future looks like, how things are right now is what you should base your judgement on. This is an edgy astro-scape and other people could be trigger-happy, so be prepared for some push-back to your ideas. Success requires hard work, but if keeping a relationship going is such hard work, maybe it’s not worth it.
No maybes and mights.

LIBRA (Sept 23 - Oct 22)
Push has come to shove. The Sun opposes Mars bringing out your fighting spirit and getting you to make a move in your own best interests. And with the Sun applying to Pluto, that move could completely transform an aspect of your existence. However, any action driven by frustration or anger is not recommended. It will backfire on you. Normally, you are the soul of discretion and diplomacy but if these tools have not proved up to the job, you may be tempted to torch a situation. Perhaps it is time to bring something to an end, but do you really need to burn a bridge in the process?
Gently does it.

SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21)
You may well be feeling the pressure, which often brings out the best in you, however, there is a little too much firepower in the astrology so, igniting a situation that isn’t moving – or at least moving in the direction you want – is not the best idea. Let other people show their colours before you reveal yours. If something is made of the right stuff, it’s going to come through all manner of firestorms, but if it’s not, an astro-scape like this will prove it. Rise above the aggro and, if necessary, be the one to walk away with your head held high.
Rise above it.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21)
Monday’s full moon brings simmering issues to the bubble, and since this full moon cuts across the financial axis of your solar chart, money is probably the issue du jour. However, this is also a period in which important decisions can be made regarding a relationship. As always with things of the monetary kind, emotions need to be set aside so that clarity can prevail whereas with affairs of the heart, your feelings are uppermost. On the one hand, this is an excellent time to sign a contract or to end an agreement. And, on the other, the right time to decide on a plan of action that will ease financial pressures.
Take a step back.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19)
Full moons are times of closure, and with Monday’s full moon on the axis of relationships, it is time to say I do or I don’t! Venus is also conjoined to Saturn, which us helpful if you’re signing up to something you hope will last, but, otherwise, can be a bit of a downer. Situations often look worse viewed through a Saturnian lens, so do your level best to be realistic not negative. Other people may not be in the mood to compromise and more likely to go on the offensive, so be prepared to talk tough. However, there’s no need to shout.
Rise above the flak.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18)
Every year around this time, reality sets in. And the bills roll in. Life can look bleak. However, your perception of the situation may not be the reality. Monday’s full moon sets the tone, and you’ll need to go to your happy place in order to make the right response to people who are being anything but helpful. What initially seems like a negative can be turned around. Indeed, should something come to a dead-stop now, given a breathing space, you should be able to see that there is a far better way forward. What you don’t want to do is ignore a red flag. Attend to it.
It’s all in the perception.

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20)
This is one of those either-or astro-scapes. A Venus-Saturn conjunction in Pisces can set the seal on a deal, especially one of the romantic kind, or it can reveal the weaknesses in a situation, even bringing an end to a relationship. Monday’s full moon adds to the potential for tipping points and reckonings. Do your best not to obey your fight or flee instinct. Instead, pause and look at the bigger picture. Other people may not be making the best of decisions, but are responding to what they perceive to be a threat to their future. There’s more water to flow under the proverbial bridge.